So, I guess you'd have to equip the little thing with the world's tiniest fire plug and the world's tiniest rawhide chew. Would you walk it on a leash, or put it on one of those running wheels? I have a feeling that if it were brought into a household with cats, it would inflate the cats' already swollen ego to have such dominance over a dog...
"IF" is a mighty big word!
Looks like something out of STart Trek. Oh yeah, they were Tribbles.
Does it yap?
So, I guess you'd have to equip the little thing with the world's tiniest fire plug and the world's tiniest rawhide chew. Would you walk it on a leash, or put it on one of those running wheels? I have a feeling that if it were brought into a household with cats, it would inflate the cats' already swollen ego to have such dominance over a dog...
Imagine how far you could hit the thing with a cricket bat!
Placing my order for one. I could train it to make coffee!
My cats would love it..."meesy micey, very play with dis want more little tasty things."
Mr stu, I was thinking about using a driver myself...
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